jane's studio
Juried Exhibitions
McDonough Museum of Art 2019 Alumni Exhibition, Youngstown, Ohio. "Luminous Flux", oil.
54th TAG Annual 2018, Trumbull Art Gallery, Warren, Ohio. "Exuberance", oil.
80th Area Artists Annual Exhibition 2018, The Butler Institute of American Art- Trumbull Branch, Howland, Ohio. "Glory" and "Luminous Flux", oils.
36th Women Artists: A Celebration! YWCA 2018 Annual Juried Art Show, Youngstown. Ohio. "Paradigm Shift" received the MARGARET EVANS MEMORIAL AWARD, "Juncture", "Fractured Reality", and "Marks of the Battle", oils.
RAA, Random Fantasies Exhibition 2018, Trumbull Art Gallery, Warren, Ohio. "Icy Ambivalence", "Memories Half Forgotten", "Paradigm Shift", oils.
79th Area Artists Annual 2017, The Butler Institute of American Art-Trumbull Branch, Howland, Ohio. "Exuberance", oil.
53rd TAG Annual 2017, Trumbull Art Gallery, Warren, Ohio. "Frozen Dreams", oil.
35th Women Artists: A Celebration! 2017, YWCA, Youngstown, Ohio. "Struggle", "Sonny", photos.
44th Hoyt Regional Juried Exhibition, 2017. New Castle, PA. "Levitate", oil, "Icy Ambivalence", oil.
52nd TAG Area Artists Annual 2016, Trumbull Art Gallery, Warren, Ohio. "Luminous Flux", oil.
72nd Ohio Annual Exhibition, 2016. Zanesville Museum of Art, Zanesville, Ohio. "Levitate", oil.
34th Women Artist: A Celebration! 2016, YWCA, Youngstown, Ohio. "Falling Softly", oil, "To the Light", oil. "Barn", photo. "Other World", oil,- AWARD WINNER.
Trumbull Art Gallery, Works on Paper, 2016. Warren, Ohio. "Struggle", film photo, "Sonny", photo.
51st TAG Area Artists Annual 2015, Trumbull Art Gallery, Warren, Ohio. "Levitate", oil.
33rd Women Artist: A Celebration! 2015, YWCA, Youngstown. Ohio. "Line Dance", "Lane to the Meadow", oils.
TAG Photo 2015, Trumbull Art Gallery, Warren, Ohio.
"Touch the Sky", photo.
77th Area Artist Annual Exhibition 2015, The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio. "Levitate", oil.
76th Area Artists Annual Exhibition 2014, The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio. "Dream Tree", oil.
49th TAG Area Artists Annual 2013, Trumbull Art Gallery, Warren, Ohio. "Line Dance", "Lane to the Meadow", oils.
Regional Art Exhibit- Community Artworks 2013, Sharon, PA. "Line Dance", oil, "Lane to the Meadow", oil, "Where Eagles Soar", oil,- JURORS CHOICE AWARD.
31st Women Artists: A Celebration 2013, YWCA, Youngstown, Ohio. "Dream Tree", "Frozen Paradise", oils.
75TH Area Artists Annual 2013, The Butler Institite of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio. "Fervid Harmony", oil.
48th TAG Area Artists Annual 2012, Trumbull Art Gallery, Warren, Ohio, "In the Midst", oil.
47th TAG Area Artists Annual 2011, Trumbull Art Gallery, Warren, Ohio. "Just Beyond", "Focal Point" oils.
29th Women Artists: A Celebration! 2011, YWCA, Youngstown, Ohio. "Hope Arrived", oil, "Regression", ceramics.
28th Women Artists: A Celebration! 2010, McDonough Museum of Art, Youngstown, Ohio. "Memories Half Forgotten", "Just Beyond", "Focal Point", "Hold On", "Juncture", oils.
46th TAG Area Artists Annual 2010, Trumbull Art Gallery, Warren, Ohio, "Through The Fire", oil.
What Remains, Graduate Painting Exhibition, 2010, Bliss Hall Gallery, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio. 13 Abstract oil paintings, stoneware vessel, five-piece expressive salt glazed stoneware sculpture.
Two Woman Show, with Christine McCullough, Invited, Oakland Center for the Arts, 2009, Youngstown, Ohio. 10 Abstract oils. (In conjunction with the play, Wit.)